GALERIES : Sketch - CG - BD - Projet - Anims - Divers
Hop de la BD cetteuh fois
BD - le 12 Mai 2008 à 15:25

Ouais bin ouais. De la BD. Pour un fanzine au doux nom de Beach Boy Blues (n°2). Une histoire de super héros.

Et j'ai chié dans la colle à tous les niveaux sur la narration, j'ai un peu les boules, après coup. Bon hop :

Commentaires :

flaviano [homepage] le 16 Mai 2008 à 19:35 à dit :

this blog is simply awesome! love all the dynamic pose! you're one of the most talented gobelins student. cant wait to see your final study short!

JeP [homepage] le 16 Mai 2008 à 22:05 à dit :

Ow, many many thanks, that's really kind of you ! Your words have really reached my heart, but I think it's not really true.

I went directly in the third year of Gobelins in animation, I personally think I'm there because of my understanding of the computer and my capacities with softwares. I draw a lot, but most of the time for my pleasure without pushing things like I should, and most of the other students of Gobelins, in the three promotions, knows well how to work on every drawing to give good finished and vivid feelings.

But thanks ^^

You have a good drawing, you observe really well life, shapes and all that, but with always a good dynamic touch, your designs are nice... and I'm wondering... aren't you familiar with Catsuka's boards ? The Poungi tributes makes me say that... perhaps you're not.

koneko [homepage] le 18 Mai 2008 à 16:04 à dit :

kyaaaah, jepou-sama your english is amaaaaazing >o< weehee!

flaviano [homepage] le 19 Mai 2008 à 19:17 à dit :

thank you too for the kind words man!
about gobelins: for my experience your skills are more better than a lot of students after gobelins. you are more polyhedral, understand of animation, timing, storibs, good shoots, color, light, ecc... and this for a future in animation world (or also in comic world)is better than be able to do good finished pieces. trust me! a lot of gobelins students with a good final movie disappear after few years! long time ago when i applied my portfolio animation to Silvain Chomet studio they said "awesome animation, but we wanna see if you are also able to do lifedrawings, bkg, color study, animal, ecc". now i work as freelance but still improve my skills in every kind of sector.
actually you sure kick ass to a lot of comic artist who works for big editor (i really liked the story with the micro-you and the fly, shoots are great).
keep push hard!
p.s. i know poungi because i'm a huge fan of Bastien and i also know the Catsuka sit but never join the forum, i have to check in mt next spare time.

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